DeViL DriVeR 76
JoinedTopics Started by DeViL DriVeR 76
by DeViL DriVeR 76 ini completely forgot about this place until today.
i had an epiphany two das ago.
i must admit i was taking "legal plant food" and still have not gone to bed.
How Jesus got his beard
by DeViL DriVeR 76 inchuck norris was the fourth wise man, who gave baby jesus the gift of beard, which he carried with him until he died.
the other three wise men were enraged by the preference that jesus showed to chuck's gift, and arranged to have him written out of the bible.
all three died soon after of mysterious roundhouse-kick related injuries.
What would you have accomplished?
by restrangled inafter watching jordon spraks on american idol so strongly supported by her parents, i wonder what some of us could have accomplished had we had the same in our younger years.. what could you have done at that age?.
Great idea for a billboard
by Heather inthe kingdumb hall here in my area is right on a huge street with lots of traffic.
there is an empty lot to one side with a billboard that can be seen from the street.
if you are driving one way the bullboard is actually seen right in front of the kh....i wonder what it would take to advertise on the one side...its could say something like "are you the victim, or do you know victums of sexual child abuse?
Brother Honda bought an other Honda, and another Honda...
by JH ini walked by a ms's house today, and he loves honda's.
each time he buys a car, he gets a honda.
so i noticed a 3rd honda in his driveway.. so, i was thinking how i could apply the idolatry commandement in his case.... i can imagine if i was an elder, and i would tell this brother, "brother honda, you better buy a nissan or toyota or gm next time or else i'll disfellowship you for idolatry.
is atheism better than believing in a god who doesnt care?
by theinfamousone inso here's a sincere question... and instead of pressing my frustrations and blaming god and bla bla bla... i decided that instead of writing letters to an inactive god, i would ask your opinion!!!!!.
here's the question, looking at the world around you, seeing all the pain and frustration, the death and disease, the war and hypocricy, the starvation and disgust; generally seeing that our world is falling apart... if someone were able to irrevocably prove that there was a god, an intelligent creator is you will, would you want to worship him?
if he was there and created all of this just to watch it all implode, would you be able to respect that?
If not God, who or what is ultimately in control?
by Guest with Questions ini believe that we are all subject to either god or man but man is very limited.
as a christian i believe that god is in control.
he did give us free choice to an extent but he is control overall.
The Great Tribulation is picking up speed!!!!!!!!!!!!
by unbaptized inthe tribulation is really starting to speed up it's pace.
i just read that atleast 3 types of animal and plant life go extinct every hour.
global warming threatens the entire planet, crimes against women and children are at a all time high, honeybees dying off for unexplained reasons, the threat of nuclear war, the ravage of infectious disease.
Has anyone ever accepted a evil slave tract at an assembly?
by PinTail ini did once, it was in ogden, utah events center.
it was after the afternoon talk and me and my ex-wife was walking to our car, and nice fellow asked if i would like to look at a tract, i said yes thank that very moment this other fellow jehovah's witness came over and rudely jerked it our of my hand, and told me did you not hear the brother from bethel, to not accept tracts from them and to just look straight ahead.
needless to say this embarrassed me a great deal, cause there was many other witness's walking with me as well as my daughters seen me being disrespected, so i slugged that so and so, right smack on his nose and it knocked him to the ground, and i reminded him that i live in the good old u s of a, and i will read what i want!
If Creationism is true explain races.
by DeViL DriVeR 76 inso the bible speaks of how multiple languages came to be in babylon with the tower of babel, you all know the story.
ok so thats the bibles view on languages but what about races?
how are some people light skin others dark?